Thursday, May 22, 2008


THE PINKER TONES, originally uploaded by frost215.

Event at the Walnut Room. It's a listening party for the new album from the Pinker Tones. Here's a lil sample of their stuff. Some are in spanish, but the videos are awesome to look at.

Karma Loop - Freakin awesome. Awesome characters. Breakdancing robots. Self scratching turntable. Just press play.

Million Color Revolution - Exactly what it looks like.

Sonidos Total - Its in spanish. I like the cut out doodles on this video.

Viva La Juventud - Old people dancing = Great fun!

Monday, May 19, 2008


EL BORRACHO, originally uploaded by frost215.

The drunk.

Sometimes every one just wants to lay out in the desert and get drunk. a wise man said

" alcohol, the cause and solution to lifes problems " thats not a direct quote, but u get the idea.

stacking some canvases for a new show sometime soon.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bboy Aspen

Bboy Aspen
Originally uploaded by frost215
1st off this is just your 1 of a thousand bums/homeless living around Philly. Their story is that they usually need only a couple of bucks to go back home. Prolly miss the train or bus. Its a story you hear alot and it sucks cuz you become so numb from it, that if people actually do need help, you just look the other way. 2nd...check out the Aspen pull over sweater. Looked like he stepped out of Dumb n Dumber. 3rd... he got some moves boy! 2 bucks well spent.