Love em or hate em. Sean "diddy" Combs or whatever name he chooses when he wakes up is a smart and powerful business man. You dont gotta agree with his songs, but his wealth and his empire speaks louder than he ever can (and you thought that was impossible)
Today he announced that he bought the clothing brand enyce (pronounced En-i-ché) First time hearing the correct pronounciation of that brand. He talks alot in the video below, but theirs a couple points where he just goes off and blabs on how enyce and diddy will be eating fried chicken and champagne cuz enyce is now in his kitchen. Weird i know, but this man hustles. Its 5 am and he's talking like he's been awake for hours! How does he survive? I keep going back to that Nas quote "sleep is the cousin of death" but damn! man u need rest. atleast take some naps. The man is a hustler and definitely building an empire no one saw coming when he was still rapping with Mase and waving his rollies from side to side. Respect to Sean Combs, hopefully get there some day. I know this sounds like a plug for the I wanna work for Didddy tv show, but it aint. Giving props to where its due. Enjoy the show. Oh and incase your wondering who or what Black Buffet is...Puffy woke up and decided on that name this morning.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Black Buffet
4:11 PM
Posted by
el toro
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sticker FIghter 215 edition
Been seeing the previews for the new Street Fighter and it looks amazing! Cant believe that its released in Asia right now and we are left waiting anxiously here in the states. GIVE IT TO US NOW!!!
Been playing since the 2nd one came out and the whole franchise was just so great to follow since then. Developing more and better characters. Except for T.Hawk, he sucked. Not caused he's Native American, can't you tell with that clever name? but we would just karate chop and slide across the screen with his Canadian Tuxedo vest. It was horrible.
Blanka on the other hand will pounce on you, bite your face off and jump off you while kicking you down at the same time. Freakin awesome. Although, their is a new character called EL FUERTE. A luchador has come in the ranks and will definitely have to prove himself in combat. Cant wait for the video game to drop! im such a geek.
9:59 PM
Posted by
el toro
Art+Action=Obama 08
The people at jailbreak toys gave me an opportunity to work on their Obama show at Toy Tokyo this Friday. I did not know the caliber of talent was gonna come out and suppor these awesome project. Ron English will be on hand signing his Abraham Obama print. Crazy previews have been posted on the net. This is mine woodgrained.
The piece is a direct response to hearing Sarah Palins views on hunting and wildlife. The piece is called Animals for Obama. If the animals can vote, they will totally vote for Obama.
Check out the flyer for more details.
9:54 PM
Posted by
el toro
Friday, October 10, 2008
Dave from Methods said that when Smiff N Wesson was choosing a shirt to rock for the photo shoot, they went straight to the EL TORO tee for the fall. I heard of them before, but to be honest, don't know much about their music. I do know they have been in the game for a while and gotta respect that.
The graphic on the shirt came out bigger than expected. Really dope! Im a big fan of huge graphics on a shirt. The inks they use are also thick and when you wear the shirt it feels like armor. Heavy weight tee with a heavy ink just blankets ur whole torso.
It's dropping in a few days. Stay tuned!
11:50 AM
Posted by
el toro