"sounds like his guitar is talking, man" - otto, the busdriver
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Kids Love the Robot Voice
8:06 AM
Posted by
el toro
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Scion xB "Taco & Paint" Truck by Kenton Parker
Got this from Knowngallery's site. Its a custom scion truck that sells Tacos and paint! This has to be the coolest truck known to man. Check out Knowngallery for more pictures. Link here
2:26 PM
Posted by
el toro
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Who you gonna call?
Oh no its Stay PufToro!!!
Made this guy for the Remix show over at 1733 Chestnut st. Final piece is an 8x10 printed and matted and got sold that night! Awesome to the max! There was tons of people that showed up to support the event and a few of Phillies local sticker community came out for support. Two 8.5x11 sheets of sticker paper got passed around for everyone to drop a lil something on it. Great work by alot of talented guys, UWP and Nose dropped a few solid gems that I didn't get a pic of. Great job by everyone though that night, alot of the pieces sold and it was nice to see everyone again under the same roof.
If your interested for a print, dont hesitate to drop me a line.
11:56 PM
Posted by
el toro
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Things are picking up back at the Lab and even though i should be diligently working, I have a few things that always keeps me distracted. 1st is my love of good television. It's hard to find good tv. If its not reality or a celebrity show acting a fool, it usually flies right under the radar. Here are a few shows that you may wanna check out that's quality and worth watching.
Monday nights
Heroes on NBC.
Gotta love this, its like X-Men, but with less emphasis on being mutants but "special". Awesome powers to a guy that can stop time, a guy that can fly, a mad scientist, a girl who cant feel pain, a guy that can absorb powers and also a guy that can take away powers. There's more heroes/villains than that, so you just gotta watch it to catch up. Here's the last ep. If you haven't u should really start from the 1st and skip the 2nd season. Then watch the 3rd. That's when things are actually picking up and people are using their powers to fight. Even though i think it could still use more fighting.
Tuesday nights
I got nothing on TV for Tuesdays. I usually catch up on weekend shows i mightve missed. Gotta love OnDemand.
Wednesday nights
Sons Of Anarchy
If you liked the Sopranos, you have to love this new show. It's the first season and its seriously kicking some ass. First off Peggy Bundy plays a bad ass in this. She does not take any shit. One episode she hits a chick in the face with a skateboard and cracked her nose to shit. The story line is that this local biker gang "Sons of Anarchy" is in charge of a local town called Charming and has to fight some of the law ( some cops are on the take) and also fellow biker gangs around the area. Each side is equally represented. Each episode gets you closer to the innner workings of the whole Biker family and how they operate behind the curtains. Their are tons of bikes, dudes in leather jackets and some good action. 1 scene was a former member got tied up to a car lift and had the choice of either getting his back either carved or burned to shit. The rule was once u get kicked out you have to completely black out your patch on the back. It's the same logo they have on their leather jackets, but tattooed on their back. He chose to get it burned off.
Thursday nights
This is my fave. tv night. It starts on NBC and carries over to FX.
My name is Earl
A great show in it's 4th season i think. If you haven't heard, Jason Lee plays Earl who was a lowlife crook in the beginning of the series, but learned about karma when he was lying on a hospital bed because he got hit by a car after he realized he won the lottery. He makes a list of all things he has done bad and goes on by trying to make right and make up to the people he has done wrong in the past. Great premise for a show simply cuz they can bring on any special guests they want and have ridiculous story line.
Kath & Kim
I gotta be honest the first time i heard bout this i thought it was a "chick" show at first, but dammit its high-larious. Molly Shannon is great in this. I used to not like her, but this role is perfect. Plus theirs the white scrawny guy from Wildin' Out. He's funny when he's on camera. It references alot of Hollywood stereotype jokes. It was an Australian series that got adapted for a U. S audience. Kinda like the Office. and well u know how funny that show is. If not i got that down below too. Molly Shannon just found her perfect fairy tale wedding dress and its a Lil Bo Peep dress.
The Office
If you don't know about this show already then your out of the loop. Hilarious office antics and office romances. Great show.
30 Rock
I came on late with this show. I started watching it the 2nd season simply because i thought it was a L.A Law or Law N Order type of show. WAAAAY OFF! This show is fuckin great. Tracy Morgan is awesome in this show and ofcourse Tina Fey is a brilliant actress and writer. Throw in the good Baldwin and you got your self a WINNER! With a new season ahead and prolly a bigger budget from all those awards, they are bringing in guest stars left and right. Great supporting cast and definitely a classic in the making. This makes fun of all the behind the scenes that goes on NBC studios. At first it was about a SNL type show and the crazy-ness they gotta do to put on a show, but lately it's becoming more personal story lines between each cast member. Just watch it
Always Sunny in Philadelphia on FX
I am obsessed with this show. This is the best show on tv in my opinion. It has the great formula Seinfeld implemented. 3 guys and 1 girl all are jerks, but you love to hate them. The seaon is ending tomorrow with a musical about Day Man ( Fighter of the Night man, master of karate) This season has been a ridiculous roller coaster of story lines from "The Gang Cracks the Liberty Bell" to " Who Pooped on the Bed". They also talked about cannibalism, being a bum and viral videos. Great cast of character that also write and produce. Also, the fact that its a hilarious comedy being shot in Philadelphia is a great great perk. They shoot in the area and they are super nice guys. Got to meet up with a few of them when they are shooting and they love their fans. I leave you with the song Night Man & Day Man.
Usually not around the night to watch shows, but I do dvr and catch up on some through OnDemand.
Star Wars The Clone Wars
Im not a star wars geek, but i do love some good action. I watched the animated clone wars by the dude who animated Samurai Jack (also a great show) and then the CGI movie. This takes place after the movie and ties in the old & new star wars story line. Only a half hour, so it has to be very quick and action packed. Here's Yoda kickin some droid ass!
If you liked the movie, this is equally as good. Just a longer version of the major fuck ups and stories crossing over of the movie. Dennis Hopper is the biggest star of this series. They have alot of guys that i have never seen. maybe b movies? I know the asian dude from the 1st Fast and the Furious is in it playing an EMT. The writing is pretty good especially for the stuff Dennis Hopper comes out with. His character is slightly insane/retarded and pure genious all in 1. This is in Starz. So you gotta subscribe to it to be able to watch it.
To wrap up the week, you start off with FOX's animation domination. Starting with the Simpsons.
The Simpsons
Still on after 19 years. Practically my whole life. I got raised by the morals of Homer and crazy antics of Bart.
Some say the writing has fallen off, but since the movie got put out i think the animation has just been stepped up and can definitely see the difference. The writing on the other hand is a hit or miss, but i am loyal and can not say anything horrible about this show. Keep putting out more great shows! Bring back Futurama!!!!
King of the Hill
I heard this may be there last season. I am not an avid follower, but when i do watch it im never disapointed. The animation could be alot better, but the writing is hilarious. It's a great sneak peek of how life down in Texas really is.
Family Guy
A must watch show. Can't get enough of their pop culture references and hilarious antics. An awesome episode down below from this season...cuz unless you havent heard....the bird is the word!
Looking for pointers on how to be a great serial killer? Watch Dexter! This show is so demented at points that you start feeling something for a murderer who has to kills because its a necessity. Dexter is the killer of killers. If you slip through the system, Dexter is their to pick up the crumbs. ( can you tell im running out of steam on these reviews? haha)
True Blood
HBO's newest series about Vampires. Vampires have come out of hiding and can now drink synthetic blood to keep them alive, making them safer for humans. An entertaining show set down south. Rouge from X-Men is the main character and she falls in love with a local vampire. You get to see the interactions between the town folks and how a vampire is accepted, u also see how Vampires react to this new "coming out of the coffins" issue between them and the humans and also some humans are fucked up enough that they drink vampire blood to get high. Blood and boobs are always a guarantee for each episode. Suki (Rogue aka Anna Paquin) is a southern belle with the vampire bf. She also has a best friend who's Mom got an exorcism via Voodoo Priestess, a brother who is a sex addict and a v addict (thats vampire blood) and then her bf Bill who is the local vampire with the heart of gold. I like the similarities they are trying to accomplish with racism down south and how it pertains to vampires and just different people in general. I was iffy at first with this series, but its clearly in the line up for things to watch.
8:38 AM
Posted by
el toro
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A story written about the opening at T&P Fine Art. U should read it if you want to know more info about the gallery and also opening night. Story can be found here
11:05 PM
Posted by
el toro
Monday, November 10, 2008
A fan from Philly started to cross stitch Philly street artists and she chose to do an EL TORO. This is her 2nd attempt and it came out awesome. She even got the same colors i use on the stickers. She's doing more Philly street artist in her cross stitch collection. I saw a Bob in the works. Nice to see some new mediums being crossed over with what was once just markers and sticker paper on the streets.
7:18 AM
Posted by
el toro
Sunday, November 9, 2008
T and P fine art
A new gallery just opened up in South Philadelphia this weekend and man was it a kick ass show. Out of respect, their are no photos of the stuff in the event because it was soooo good u have to check it out yourself.
The story is pretty damn awesome. The owners are both from Philly and LA. They love the street art community and wanted to showcase some new raw talent coming up and also some seasoned veterans. I met both the owners and they are the most down to earth people and has so much love for the gallery cuz they are truly just big fans themselves. Gina their gallery manager, absoultey did a great job hanging and showcasing the pieces. Their was also free booze and food at the opening. You can't beat something like that.
Finally, something like this have hit Philly. Don't get me wrong, Lineage when it was in Philly, was a great place to catch some highly talented individuals from across the world, but the location and price that went along with Lineage was i think its complete downfall. T and P on the other definitely did not feel like Lineage, it was a new blood coming into the gallery scene and revitalizing the street art/lowbrow appreciation in Philadelphia. T and P felt like the missing puzzle piece for Philadelphia street art and appreciation to grow further and get noticed by other cities. Philly loves the raw and real talent being featured outside our cities, but now its here and we are all excited about it.
Check out their site at T and P Gallery they have tons of new events already planned in the near future. So i hope to see you there on the next opening!
Some art outside of the gallery too!

8:10 AM
Posted by
el toro
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Phillies 2008 WORLD CHAMPIONS!!!
I must admit im not a fan of baseball, but when your city errupts and come together its hard not to get sweeped in with the Philly fever. Before a Philly to me, meant strawberry flavored or vanilla and usually cracked in the middle. But now it means 2008 WORLD CHAMPS!! smoke that Rays!
Check out the video/flicks below from the previous night and the parade.
Nutter with the trophy

The Fanatic

Victorino and others

Sea of Red aftermath

Greenman came out

The aftermath after they won
7:45 AM
Posted by
el toro
its a walking carpet!
Having more fun with some fuzzy Toros lately. I imagine them being a lost species of EL TORO's who haven't been domisticated and haven't lost their long fur. They are primal! Remember Primal Instinct video game? That was the shit on super nes. Where else could you get a monkey and a dinosaur to fight?! I know theirs RAMPAGE where a dinosaur and a monkey are present, but they never really fought.
Anyways..enjoy the new stickers!
7:30 AM
Posted by
el toro
Happy day of the dead!
Gangrene infected Toros are coming to your town! It's a widespread invasion. Too bad their slow as molasses!
7:28 AM
Posted by
el toro
Shake your fist in the air!
the guys at 215magazine kindly invited me to be part of their Bowl for Pres show this upcomiing election day. The guys at the Renegade art project got local artists involved to participate in a customization of their fist icon. They have been popping up on the streets of Philly for about 2 years now and even in some bars are welcoming the fist as a part of their own decor. For more info on this event please visit
Also, make sure you get out on Nov. 4th and vote!
7:20 AM
Posted by
el toro