Just wrapped this one up and wanted to share my first attempt at an all brush canvas, absolutely no markers were used. I must say, outlining and putting a shell with a brush is a bit tricky. I have to paint so much more careful since I cant just put a thicker black marker outline to hide my mistakes. Also, I'm using all brands of acrylic and some are more opaque than others. This makes it very difficult to make sure the colors don't bleed through where their not suppose to and also cover what needs to be covered. Basically, alot of trial and error. I love the way it looks and the no flash burns because of the no glossy deco marker is great. Click here to see them side by side.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
1:00 PM
Posted by
el toro
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Green Sunday

The weather finally cleared up here in Philly today. After raining for what seems like 24+ hours straight, the sun finally came out. I decided to take a walk down to Abakus in chinatown and grab some new laces for my sneakers. They got them SB laces, super fresh colors. I copped a neon electric green and this baby blue with a touch of grey pairs. Stayed and hung out with Ky and a few shop heads to watch the game. 3 pizzas and 3 sides of buffalo wings later, we were all stuffed and cheering the Eagles on to victory over the Broncos today. Also lined up a loose date for our next collaborative endeavor and we were thinking sometime in July. We want to bring the heat with some new shit that hasn't been done on a collaborative tip.

11:38 PM
Posted by
el toro
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Punk Rock Flea Market merch preview

8:56 PM
Posted by
el toro
Friday, December 18, 2009
Motha F*ckin' Puppets YO!

8:54 AM
Posted by
el toro
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Almost done making my button packs. I am waiting on 1 key item to include and i think their coming tomorrow which means alot of finalizing these coming days prior to Sundays show. It's all going to be worth it though. New items are in the works, this is the first to wet your beaks.
More items coming soon. I'll leave you with this awesome ness, cuz i totally did this as a kid in the Philippines. Also gets to my point of where are all the good fireworks here in U.S.A? They all just make different colors, but can't blow anything up!
11:43 AM
Posted by
el toro
Friday, December 11, 2009
Punk Rock Flea Market 2009 Winter Edition
Currently on the grind on designing new button packs for the Punk Rock Flea Market show coming up this December 20th. Actually the show is at December 19th & 20th and it costs 3 bucks to get in, but that lets you in for BOTH days. Awesome right? It's going to be at the Starlight Ballroom this time, previous time they held it at the Electric Factory. This is a great way to pick up some affordable items right before the holidays! Any body who is a fan or knows of any can pick up some choice EL TORO items. I will be sharing a table with my gf and she will also be selling her very cute designs on buttons and jewelry too. Be sure to check the link out for details and more production shots of what will be sold will be posted soon.
Here's the write up about it.
*NEXT* Saturday December 19th and Sunday December 20th 10:00am to 5:00pm
At The Starlight Ballroom (460 N 9th Street - 9th & Spring Garden-ish)
All Ages / 21+ To Drink / $3 Entry Donation /
It's that time again for the bi-annual (twice a year) PUNK ROCK FLEA MARKET. R5's most popular reoccurring event/show/whatever (by far). They had over 4000 visitors and 100+ tables of old records, clothes, art, music, food, junk, bicycles, stereo equipment, instruments, automobiles, tools, posters, furniture, computers, skateboards and lots of other stuff this past July. It's all going down at The Starlight Ballroom (right below 9th & Spring Garden Sts)
To meet the increasing demand of people wanting to sell their stuff at this – they have spread it out over two days. Each day will have entirely different sellers . Your admission donation is good for both days (so you can come in and out as many times as you would like over the weekend - In addition There will be much more room to shop compared to flea markets in the past
All proceeds raised will goto the purchase of necessary equipment and supplies to ensure that all ages shows continue to remain a reality at The First Unitarian Church in Philadelphia - mainly an annual payment for their liability insurance policy. Do not let the "name of the event" lead you to believe that it's just punk records, clothes etc. - it's a full on flea market with everything from furniture, to laptops / computers , to stereo equipment, to handmade apparel, to vegan treats, information from various non profit groups, book stores, artists selling their work, bicycles & skateboards and whatever else they can fit onto the ballroom floor at The Starlight Ballroom
In addition to the normal flea market stuff there will also be a full bar and food service kitchen to make the day go by a little faster as well as a rotating shift of WKDU DJs
10:17 AM
Posted by
el toro
Blackroc on Jimmy Fallon
I was up late making some buttons last night watching Jimmy Fallon and was very pleased to see this go down. The Black Keys has teamed up with Hip hop artists to produce a new album called Blackroc. They got Rza, ODB (RIP), Mos Def, Raekwon and bunch of other great artists. Check out the site for more details. Also on a great note, that during this great performance Dave Gee from Methods NYC was in the crowd rocking the Methods Logo tee. Methods NYC getting out there to the masses! Enjoy the show
7:25 AM
Posted by
el toro
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
My 90's child hood
I was rummaging through my old stuff in the basement tonight to gather a few items for the Punk Rock flea market this December 20th. I found some awesome items I forgot that was down there like a Pocket Simon game that requires 2 AA batteries and 1 9volt battery; my Wizard magazine collection still in their original plastic packaging because I really thought these were going to be worth more than the cover price one day; random stuffed animals that I won going down the Jersey shore at a claw machine gamel; 2 Cat in the Hat hats. One black and red and the other one was white and red, oh yeah i know your jealous; my awesome pog collection (pictured) and lastly my random card collection of Marvel, DC, Baseball, Basketball and bootleg Dragon Ball Z cards that I also thought were going to pay for my kids college 1 day. The marvel cards are a major influence on my drawing style growing up. The piles of cards are organized via make and year of each series. I had alot of Marvel Masterpieces cards and also alot of Skybox series 4. I have some from the very 1st series, but those are kept with the other complete sets in a binder.
9:18 PM
Posted by
el toro
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Went to the Hellboy show to view the amazing artworks from the Autumn Society at Brave New Worlds this past First Friday. Here's the fliks from the show. Sorry some fliks are blurry cuz my camera was dying so I had to take quick snapshots.
11:35 PM
Posted by
el toro
Friday, December 4, 2009
2:03 PM
Posted by
el toro
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Underwater connections
Recently me and a bunch of locals gathered to make some beautiful art and drink lots of beers. Here are a few of the collabs Underwater Pirates finished from that night. Hopefully, more sessions like these in the near future. To all the people that did come out, thanks for making it very successful and painless to organize.
2:36 PM
Posted by
el toro
Monday, November 23, 2009
A look at what Philly street wear is all about. When they were interviewing with Abakus, you can see EL TORO pop up on n the sticker wall behind Jackson. GoPhila.com captured the Philly vibe in a very short time. My favorite spot of course is Abakus with their choice selections on brands and the illest dead stock sneaker selection you'll find in Philadelphia. Watch the video and get educated on what Philly has to offer.
2:34 PM
Posted by
el toro
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Another satisfied customer...

9:52 PM
Posted by
el toro
Friday, November 13, 2009
Custom Yoka show @ Designer Con 09

7:47 PM
Posted by
el toro
Sunday, November 8, 2009

6:25 PM
Posted by
el toro
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
9:37 PM
Posted by
el toro

8:33 PM
Posted by
el toro
Saturday, October 31, 2009

8:39 AM
Posted by
el toro
Thursday, October 29, 2009
EL TORO x RAREBREED - "Risen from the dead" T-shirt
Alright zombie & EL TORO lovers out there. The shirts are fresh from the press and they are ready to be served up! Rarebreed is hosting the release party tonight if you are a local. Most of you guys I know from flickr have been asking how to get a hold of these if you can't make it out. So first time ever, we are making online sales with this shirt through Rarebreed. So check it out here's what you gotta do.
1. Email Rarebreed at Contactrarebreed@yahoo.com with your info and he will get back to you with his payment info. Please include in the subject line " EL TORO T-SHIRT"
2. Be sure to tell him your size. These are printed on some nice quality shirts, but they are not fitted shirts. I would suggest a normal dude to go with a L rather than XL. If you normally like your shit tighter, then go with the M.
3. I recommend having paypal. I think he will accept checks, money orders and cash, BUT it will not guarantee you getting one since that takes longer to process. Paypal is definitely the way to go.
These are super limited prints for the shirts. So go contact him now if you really want one before they sell out.
The shirts are going for $24 bucks! You can't beat that. Its a whopping 6 color shirt. Some streetwear brands have 1 color shirts that they sell for $30 bucks. What a jip!
I got a halloween treat for you guys as well. Check out the blog halloween day for what's about to drop. If you like the shirt, then you're gonna love this! Check back October 31, 2009 in the morning for the details.
I will be having a contest for all the people that bought the shirt. Please submit a picture of you or some one wearing the shirt and you will be entered to win.
1st price gets a canvas
2nd price gets a custom painted spray paint can
3rd price gets a goodie bag of treats!
Make the picture more interesting to win!
Send submissions to ELTORO215@gmail.com
Winners will be announced Friday, November 13.
12:48 PM
Posted by
el toro